Oxygen tanks compartment, designed for safety
ORION pays great attention to its systems and its services, but when it talks about medical oxygen, the standards are set even higher and it always ensures that it is in a position of guaranteeing the highest possible level of safety for the rescue services. For this reason ORION has patented an oxygen tank storage system that protects them and guarantees maximum safety to the whole ambulance system.
Indeed, the oxygen tank valves are subjected to a high operating pressure. In the event of a collision with other vehicles, the violent impact of the valves represents a serious risk, never to be underestimated. Irreparable damage and serious injury can be caused in these situations.
ORION has decided to create an exclusive storage and protective compartment for the oxygen tanks inside the cabin, drastically reducing the probability of accidents to the oxygenation system. By positioning the oxygen tanks in the middle of the vehicle, they remain distant from the external bodywork of the ambulance where it is impossible to cause irreparable damage in the event of an accident.
The removable trolley guarantees easy replacement of the oxygen tanks, while the polyurethane cabinet in the cockpit offers a great deal of space for housing communication devices and storage compartments.